8th International Conference
«Beam Technologies in Welding
and Materials Processing»
First Call for Papers
11-15 September, 2017
Ukraine, Odessa, Hotel «Kurortniy»
- The E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of NASU
- National Technical University of Ukraine «Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
- International Association «Welding»
- Prof. I.V. Krivtsun, E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine;
- Prof. V. Kovalenko, Director of the Laser Technology Research Institute of the National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute»
- Prof. S.V. Akhonin, E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine;
- Prof. L.F. Golovko, National Technical University of Ukraine «KPI», Kyiv, Ukraine;
- Prof. M. Zinigrad, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel;
- D.V. Kovalchuk, «Chervona Khvylya», Kyiv, Ukraine;
- Prof. V.M. Nesterenkov, E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine;
- Prof. A. Pietras, Poland Institute of Welding, Gliwice, Poland;
- Prof. A.I. Ustinov, E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine;
- Dr. V.D. Shelyagin, E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine;
- Dr. K.Yu. Yakovchuk, International Center for Electron-Beam Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine
E. O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of NASU, 11, Bozhenko str., Kiev, 03680, Ukraine Dr. Alexander Zelnichenko,Tel./Fax: (38044) 200-82-77
E-mail: journal@paton.kiev.ua
E-mail: patonpublishinghouse@gmail.com
Dr. Irina Romanova,
Tel.: (38044) 205-22-26
E-mail: romanova@paton.kiev.ua
Dr. Svetlana Grigorenko
Tel.: (38044) 205-22-98
- Laser and electron-beam welding, cutting, surfacing, heat treatment, coating deposition
- Electron-beam melting and refining
- Hybrid processes
- 3D-technologies
- Modelling and materials science of laser and electron-beam technologies
Working languages of the Conference:
Ukrainian, Russian, English.To participate in the Conference, it is necessary to fill the Registration Form and send it to the Organizing Committee before June 23, 2071.
A text should be presented using one of the working languages in Microsoft Word (font size 12, 1.5 spac-ing). Margin at the top – 2 cm, at the bottom, on the right and on the left – 3 cm. Title of a paper should be printed in capital letters at the middle of line. Below, initials and names of authors, again below indicate the affiliation, city and country. The abstracts should not contain formulas, tables, figures, photos and references.Abstracts of the papers are sent to the folowing e-mails: romanova@paton.kiev.ua or journal@paton.kiev.ua
Registration forms and Abstracts before 23 June, 2017Sending of the Second call for papers and confirmations of participation before 6 July, 2017
Payment of Registration Fee before 12 September, 2017
The full Registration is € 200(€ 100 – for accompanying persons),
€ 100 for students.
The Registration Fee covers the preparation and pub-lishing the Conference theses and proceedings; rent of a conference hall and equipment, coffee and tea during the breaks between sessions, official dinner as well as other organizing expenses.

Hotel «Kurortniy»
65009, Ukraine, Odessa, 2, Kurortniy Alleyway
Tel.: (38048) 784-76-00
E-mail: hotval@ukr.net
Cost of one day of living in the Hotel «Kurortniy» is approximately:- Suite room – € 25;
- Mini suite (standard) – € 22;
- Single room – € 15;
Meal option (full board) makes from € 10 and is paid additionally.
The precise prices will be indicated in the Second Call for Papers.