
The Seventh International Conferensce
mmi2014 «Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes»

15-19 September, 2014
Ukraine, Odessa
Hotel «Kurortniy»

The conference is dedicated to the memory
NASU Academician V.I. Makhnenko

The topics of the Conference papers will be focused on the following problems:

Mathematical modeling of:
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  • physical phenomena determining the effectiveness and distribution of heat input in welding heating;
  • process of metal transfer in welding;
  • formation and hydrodynamics of weld pool in fusion welding of solid and porous metals;
  • solidification of weld pool, chemical composition of penetration zone and formation of chemical heterogeneity;
  • kinetics of microstructural changes in single- and multipass welding;
  • relationships chemical composition – microstructure – mechanical properties;
  • kinetics of deformation processes within the temperature intervals of hot crack formation and conditions of their prevention;
  • thermodeformation processes at pressure welding with account for high deformations;
  • hydrogen transport in welded joints;
  • estimation of cold (hydrogen) cracks formation risk;
  • residual stresses and strains in multipass welding with account for changes in metal microstructure;
  • degradation of properties of materials of welded joints under the action of high temperatures;
  • simulation of process of identification of defects in welded joints using NDT methods.

Information technologies in welding, surfacing and deposition of coatings.
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  • Development of data bases of structural and welding materials characteristics for mathematical simulation of physical processes;
  • Calculation and information systems for obtaining rational technological solutions;
  • Internet and information services in the field of welding and related technologies.

Computer technologies in welding and manufacturing

  • Working languages of the Conference: Ukrainian, Russian, English
  • To participate in the Conference, it is necessary to fill the Registration Form and send it to the Organizing Committee before June 03, 2014.

Requirements to the abstract preparation:

Text should be presented using one of the working languages in WORD (size 12, 1.5 spacing) on 1 page. Title of paper should be printed in capital letters at the middle of line. Below, initials and names of authors, again below the affiliation, city, country are followed. Abstract should not contain formula, tables, figures and photos.

Main dates

The dead line for submitting applications to participate in the Conference and abstracts of papers is 23.06.2014. The second call for papers will be sent before 01.07.2014. Invitations for the Conference and confirmations of participation will be sent before 15.07.2014. Payment of Registration fee before 16.09.2014.

Organizing Committee

The E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute
11, Bozhenko str., Kiev, 03680, Ukraine
Tel./Fax: (+38044) 200-82-77

(The First Call for Papers)

Program and abstracts of the conference