
IX International Conference
mmi2018 «Mathematical modeling and information technologies in welding and related processes»

Ukraine, Odessa
Hotel «Kurortniy»
19-23 September, 2016

The First Call for Papers

The topics of the Conference

Mathematical modeling of:
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  • processes of energy, pulse, mass and charge transfer in welding arcs;
  • process of metal transfer in welding;
  • heat, electromagnetic, hydrodynamic and mass exchange processes taking place in welding, surfacing and coating deposition;
  • stress-strain state of welded structures;
  • kinetics of solid phase transformations in heat affect zone;
  • solidification of weld metal and formation of chemical heterogeneity;
  • formation of weld, heating, melting and transfer of electrode metal;
  • interaction of highly-concentrated power sources with metal being welded;
  • effect of external factors (magnetic field, current modulation, activating factors etc.) on welding process;
  • defect detection in non-destructive methods of welded joint testing.

Information technologies in welding and related processes:
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  • processes of energy, pulse, mass and charge transfer in welding arcs;
  • data base of properties of structural materials and shielding gases;
  • information-calculation systems for selection of welding consumables and mode parameters of welding, surfacing, coating deposition and other related processes.

  • Working languages of the Conference: Ukrainian, Russian, English

To participate in the Conference, it is necessary to fill the Registration Form and send it to the Organizing Committee before June 24, 2016.

Requirements to the abstract preparation

Text should be presented using one of the working languages in Microsoft Word (font size 12, 1.5 spacing) on single page. Margin at the top – 2 cm, at the bottom, on the right and on the left – 3 cm. Title of paper should be printed in capital letters at the middle of line. Below, initials and names of authors, again below the affiliation, city, country are followed. Abstract should not contain formulas, tables, figures and photos.
Abstracts of the papers should be sent to E-mails: or


1. Registration form and Abstracts Before 24 June, 2016
2. Second call for papers and confirmation of participation Before 12 July, 2016
3. Payment of Registration Fee Before 20 September, 2016

Registration Fee

The Registration Fee is $ 200 ($ 70 – for accompanying persons);
$ 70 for students. The Registration Fee includes the preparation and publishing the Conference materials, coffee, tea during breaks between sessions, official dinner, banquet, as well as other organizing expenses.
The Registration Fee for the accompanying persons does not include the cost of the book Conference Proceedings and Abstracts.

Hotel «Kurortniy»

  • 65009, Ukraine, Odessa, 2 Kurortniy alleyway
  • Tel.: +38(048) 784-76-00
  • Tel./Fax: +38(0482) 68-15-42
  • E-mail: hotval@ukrnet


Cost of one day of living in the Hotel «Kurortniy» is approximately:
  • Suite – $ 30;
  • Single room – $ 25;
Three meals a day is approximately $ 10 and paid separately.
The more precise prices will be given in the Second call for papers.

Social Program

Participants and guests of the Conference will be offered different excursions on Odessa.
Information on obtaining visas to Ukraine, options for payment of the registration fee, more detailed description of the social program and other information may be received by e-mail of Organizing Committee.

Program Committee

  • Prof. I. Krivtsun, PWI, Ukraine (Chairmen);
  • Prof. V. Demchenko, PWI, Ukraine;
  • Prof. M. Zinigrad, Ariel University, Israel;
  • Prof. L. Lobanov, PWI, Ukraine;
  • Prof. O. Makhnenko, PWI, Ukraine;
  • Prof. U. Reisgen, Welding and Joining Institute, Germany;
  • Prof. V. Sydorets, PWI, Ukraine.

Organizing Committee

E. O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of NASU, 11, Kazimir Malevich Str., Kiev, 03680, Ukraine

Dr. Alexander Zelnichenko
Tel./Fax: (38044) 200-82-77
Mob.: (38097) 505-19-91

Dr. Irina Romanova
Tel.: (38044) 205-22-26
Mob.: (38050) 520-01-67

Download PDF-file of The First Call for Papers

Download PDF-file of The Program of the Conference