
International Conference

First Call for Papers
June 15–17, 2015
Kiev, E.O.Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine

Conference Program

  • E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of NASU
  • Internati onal Association «Welding»
  • «Elektrod» Association
  • Ukrainian Society of Welding
  • Russian Scienti fi c-Technical Welding Society


  • K.A. Yushchenko, Chairman, Prof., E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine (PWI)
  • I.A. Bartenev, Cand of Sci. (Eng.), Kazakhstanian Welding Institute
  • A.A. Golyakevich, WELTEK, Ukraine
  • A.P. Zhudra, Cand. of Sci. (Eng.), PWI
  • V.D. Kuznetsov, Dr. of Sci. (Eng.), NTUU «KPI»
  • V.N. Lipodaev, Dr. of Sci. (Eng.), PWI
  • E.A. Palievskaya, OJSC «Tekhprom», Russia
  • I.A. Ryabtsev, Dr. of Sci. (Eng.), PWI
  • A.I. Som, Cand of Sci. (Eng.), «Plasma Master», Ukraine
  • O.I. Steklov, Dr. of Sci. (Eng.), RSTWS, Russia
  • E. Turyk, Dr. of Sci. (Eng.), Polish Welding Institute
  • V.G. Fartushnii, Cand. of Sci. (Eng.), Society of Welder’s of Ukraine


E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine
11 Bozhenko str., Kiev, 03680, Ukraine

Ryabtsev Igor, Dr. of Sci. (Eng.)
Tel.: (38044) 200-63-57

Zelnichenko Alexander, Cand. of Sci. (Phys-Math.)
Tel./fax: (38044) 200-82-77, 200-81-45

Romanova Irina, Cand. of Sci. (Eng.)
Tel.: (38044) 205-22-26

Lokteva Veronica
Tel.: (38044) 200-60-16


  • Theoretical problems of surfacing
  • New surfacing materials
  • New surfacing technologies
  • Experience of surfacing application in different industries: metallurgy, mining industry, petrochemical industry, mechanical engineering
  • Surfacing equipment
  • Systems of monitoring and control of technological processes of surfacing
  • Performance, surfaced part operating life; peculiarities of in-service failures of surfaced parts
  • Normative framework for surfacing operation performance

Conference working languages:

Ukrainian, Russian, English.

If you would like to participate in the Conference, kindly fill in the registration form and send it to Organizing Committee before March 3, 2015 (see first Call for Papers with registration form in the Conference site).
Conference papers approved by Program Committee will be published in the special issue of «Automatic Welding» Journal, #6, 2015 in Russian and «The Paton Welding Journal» #6, 2015 in English.


Text in paper format should be typed in one of the working languages in WORD editor (12 font, with 1.5 spacing). Paper length should be up to 5-6 pages. Top margin is 2 cm, bottom, right and left margins are 3 cm each. Print title in capital letters in the line middle. Authors’ initials and family names are given below, and organization title, city and country are typed in the next line.
Conference presentation duration will be up to 20 minutes. Papers will be presented via multimedia projector.


  • Submission of applications for participation – before 03.03.2015
  • Paper submission – before 31.03.2015
  • Distribution of the second Call for Papers with Conference Program – before 15.04.2015
  • Payment of registration fee – before 16.06.2015.


An exhibition of surfacing technologies, equipment and materials will be held in time with the Conference on June 16 and 17.


  • Total registration fee for participants is equal to 200 Euro (100 Euro for accompanying persons).
  • Total registration fee includes the cost of preparation and publishing of Conference Proceedings, coffee and tea during breaks between sessions, official dinner, arranging the cultural program, as well as other events.
  • We will e-mail the invoice for registration fee payment to participants in reply to their inquiry.


Conference participants will be registered in the hall of Building #4 of the E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute on June 15 from 830 till 1800 and on June 16 from 800 to 1000 at the following address: E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, 11 Bozhenko str., 03680, Kiev.


Participants will reserve hotel accommodation at their discretion. Conference Organizing Committee would recommend the following web-sites of Kiev hotels: On July 17, 2015 we have the pleasure to propose an evening boat trip along the Dnieper river with unofficial dinner (1900 – 2300).

(View/download PDF-file "First Call for Papers", 1.2Mb)