
International Conferensce
«Welding and related technologies - present and future»

5-6 december, 2018
Kiev, Ukraine

The E.O. Paton bridge

Devoted to the Centenary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

First call for papers

Information support - «The Paton Welding Journal»

The E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute
The International Conference «Welding and Related Technologies - Present and Future» will be held by the E.O.Paton Electric Welding Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on 5-6 December, 2018 in Kiev. The invited papers of scientists from different countries of the world about the most important research achievements, obtained during recent years in the field of welding, surfacing, brazing, strength, new materials, NDT and technical diagnostics, evaluation of residual life of welded structures, surface engineering, special electrometallurgy, ecology of welding production, and also about the prospects of progress of these trends will be presented and discussed at the plenary sessions of the Conference. Alongside with plenary sessions the poster papers will be also presented.

Scientific topics of the conference

  • technology, materials, equipment for welding and related technologies
  • strength of welded structures, theoretical and experimental investigations of stress-strain states and their control
  • non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics
  • improvement of welded structures, automation of their designing, evaluation and extension of service life
  • surface engineering
  • welding in medicine, technologies, equipment, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies
  • ecological problems in the field of welding production
  • special electrometallurgy
  • standardization and certification of products of welding manufacturing, training and attestation of specialists.

  • Working languages of the Conference: Ukrainian, Russian, English
Abstracts of poster papers, as well as the Proceedings of plenary papers will be published before the beginning of the Conference.

Requirements to abstracts of papers

Text should be presented using one of the working languages in WORD (size 12, 1.5 spacing) on 1 page. Margin at the top - 2 cm, at the bottom, on the right and on the left - 3 cm. Title of paper should be presented in capital letters at the middle of line. Below, initials and names of authors, again below the affiliation, city, country are followed. Abstracts should not contain formula, tables, figures and photos. Name of speaker at the Conference should be underlined.
Abstracts of papers should be sent to the Organizing Committee (to Chairman name) by E-mail:

Deadlines for preparation of the conference materials

Deadline of paper abstracts for participation in the work of the Conference - before November 1, 2017.
Financing conditions of participation in the Conference and cost of accommodation in hotels, as well as information about visa receiving will be indicated in the Second call for papers.

Organizing Committee


  • Prof. L. Lobanov Tel.: (+38044) 200-24-55

Scientific Secretary

  • Dr. A. Babaev Tel.: (+38044) 200-61-70

Members of Organizing Committee

  • Prof. I. Krivtsun Tel.: (+38044) 205-20-75
  • Dr. I. Klochkov Tel.: (+38044) 200-47-83
  • Dr. A. Zelnichenko Tel.: (+38044) 200-82-77
  • V. Lokteva Tel.: (+38044) 200-60-16 206-17-87
  • Dr. A. Polishko Tel.: (+38044) 205-20-74


  • The E. O. Paton Electric Welding Institute
  • 11, Kazimir Malevich str., Kiev, 03680, Ukraine
  • Fax: (+38044) 528-04-86
  • Tel.: (+38044) 200-60-16, 200-47-57


(The First Call for Papers) PDF